Updated November 24, 2022

The City of Richmond is located between Henrico and Chesterfield Counties. It was named by William Byrd II, who with the help of William Mayo laid out the town in 1737. The name probably came from the English borough of Richmond upon Thames. Richmond was established in 1742 and in 1779 was designated the capitol of Virginia effective April 1780. Incorporated as a town in 1782 and incorporated as a city in 1842, it was the capital of the Confederate States of America from 1861 to 1865.
Manchester was established on the land of William Byrd in November of 1769 when the General Assembly ordered that 312 lots be surveyed. The city remained a separate entity from neighboring Richmond until their consolidation on April 15, 1910. On that day in April, Mayor Maurice of Manchester gave Mayor Richardson of Richmond the key to his city.
In the same year Richmond was enlarged by the annexation or South Richmond, and later by that of Barton Heights, Fairmount, and Highland Park (1914). A further annexation from Chesterfield County occurred in 1970. Richmond's area is 60 square miles.
St. John's, Episcopal.
Most of the GILLIAMs were of Chesterfield, Henrico and Prince George Counties. During the Civil War George W. GILLIAM's Tobacco Factory became a Hospital. George W. GILLIAM is the son of William R. GILLIAM and Judith Woodson, his wife.
Another Richmond Gilliam was another tobacconist, Richard C. Gilliam who married Frances Patteson.
Hollywood Cemetery
C. W. GILLIAM, State VA, Date 10 Feb 1863, Section D, Number 223
J. GILLIAM, Date 12 Jul 1861, Section K, Number 84, C S A
J. W. GILLIAM, Company A, Regiment 15, State NC, Date 1 Nov 1863, Section I, Number 220
Sergt J. S. GILLIAM, State VA, date 1864, Section X, Number 143, Kemper's Bat'y
Register of the Confederate Dead, interred in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond VA. Richmond: Gary, Clemmitt & Jones, Printers, 1869.
Robert H GILLIAM, 1 10th N, Real estate and Land Agent, R B Chaffin & Co
Marshall M GILLIAM, 1 5th N, Attorney at law, Guy and GILLIAM
Russell J W GILLIAM, 103 Marshall E, Clerk
Thomas O GILLIAM, 103 Marshall E, Plumber
Thaddeus W GILLIAM, 103 Marshall E, Carpenter
Henry C GILLIAM, 120 Broad E, Insurance; Supreme Grand Lodge Knights of King Solomon
Marshall GILLIAM, 2 and 3 State Bank Building, Attorney at law, Guy and GILLIAM
H C GILLIAM, 229 1/2 Leigh W, Insurance; Supreme Grand Lodge Knights of King Solomon
Sarah E GILLIAM widow George W, 317 Grace W,
Orie T GILLIAM, 515 13th N, Lab
[Likely Oliver T GILLIAM, see 1900 Census]
Victoria GILLIAM, 735 1/2 2d N,
Robert G GILLIAM, Jr, 813 Main W, Clerk, R L Christian & Co
Robert H GILLIAM, 813 Main W, Real Estate and Land Agent, R B Chaffin & Co
George W GILLIAM, 814 St Paul, Janitor
William GILLIAM, 903 Byrd E, Grocer
Thomson's Mercantile and Professional Directory, 1851
Tobacco Manufacturers: GILLIAM & Matthews, Corner of Cary and 11th
Thomson's Mercantile and Professional Directory, 1851
City Council Minutes
1815 Landowner's Directory
Reubin M. GILLIAM, Coal Yard
Reubin M. GILLIAM, Coal Yard
[two listings]
[Directions and distances are measured from the Courthouse.]
Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.
Reuben M. Gilliam owned 4 unimproved lots numbered 488, 371, 386 and 694.
Binns Genealogy.com. City of Richmond Lots, 1796, image 5.
During the Civil War G. W. GILLIAM's Tobacco Factory became a Hospital.
From the Richmond Daily Dispatch, 8/15/1861
More Sick to be Provided For. - The Hospital established in GILLIAM’s tobacco factory has just received, or will receive to-day, two hundred new patients. They are without supplies of almost every kind. Especially do they need blankets, coverlets, sheets, and pillows. - We would suggest to those who desire to aid them as well as the other sick, to make as many pillows as possible of soft straw or hay; also, collect together all the old shirts, drawers, socks, flannels, &c., in the various families, patch and mend them, and they will serve a very good purpose. Few of he sick have even a shirt to change in, but have to lie from day to day, and often from week to week, in the same soiled and sour garments. To such, an old shirt even would be a great luxury.
Don’t forget the wagon that is to leave the depot of the Army Committee, 4th door, under the Spottswood, with supplies for the camps, to-day at 2 P. M. Send in your contributions of fresh vegetables, delicacies and clothing early this morning. Send the pillows and the old clothes to the depot as soon as they are ready.
From the Richmond Enquirer, 8/16/1861
SICK SOLDIERS. – About sixty more of our sick soldiers reached here yesterday, by the Central train. As another hospital is required, we understand that the Committee have taken the large and airy Tobacco Factory of Mr. G. W. GILLIAM, which will be fitted up for the purpose.
From the Richmond Examiner, 9/26/1861
GILLIAM’S FACTORY. – This capacious establishment, located on 9th, between Byrd street and the river, has been converted into a Confederate hospital, and is called the Byrd Island Hospital. A. Y. P. Garnett is the Surgeon in charge. The hospital accommodates 225 patients. It was established on the 15th of August. Mr. Alexander Archer is the Steward or Commissary, and performs his arduous duty in a highly satisfactory manner.
From the Richmond Enquirer, 9/17/1861
HOSPITALS IN RICHMOND. – The following correct list of the military Hospitals in the City, may be found convenient for the purposes of reference. St. Charles, St. Charles Hotel, corner of Main and 15th street; the General Hospital, New Alms House, northern end of 2nd street; Confederate at GILLIAM’s Factory, corner of Arch and 10th sts; Bellevue, Broad and 22nd streets; Union Hill, at Mason’s Hall, 25th street near N; Springfield Hall, 26th and M sts.; Main street, Main and 26th street; Medical College, Marshall and College streets; St. Francis De Sales, Branch Tavern, Brook Avenue; Alabama, 5th street between Clay and Leigh; Cone’s School House, Franklin street, between 8th and 9th; Stewart’s School House, Clay street between 5th and 6th; Sycamore Church, 11th st., between Broad and Marshall; Judge Robertson’s House, Main street, corner of 3rd; Georgia, Smith and McCurdy’s Factory, 21st street between Main and Cary.
2 Apr 1839
Married, April 2, by Rev. Philip Courtney, James GILLIAM, to Miss Sarah Jones, all of Richmond.
Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser, p. 2, c. 7, Friday, April 5, 1839.
29 Oct 1839
Married, on Tuesday last, by Rev. Wm. H. Hart, Robert GILLIAM of Prince George County, to Miss Charlotte Isabella Sanray, eldest dau. of Richard D. Sanray, of Richmond.
Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser, p. 4, c. 4, Friday, November 1, 1839.
[Miss Charlotte Isabella Sanray, should read Sanxay, the couple was married at Saint John's, Richmond, Rev. William H. Hart, See below]
29 Oct 1839
Married, on Tuesday, Oct. 29, by Rev. William H. Hart, Robert GILLIAM, of Prince George County, to Miss Charlotte Isabella Sanxay, daughter of Richard D. Sanxay, of Richmond.
Richmond Compiler, p. 2, c. 5, Thursday, October 31, 1839.
26 Feb 1850
Married on the 26th February last by the Rev. J. H. Fitzgerald, in Buckingham Co., Mr. George W. GILLIAM, of Richmond to Miss Sarah E. Anderson, of the former place.
Watchman and Observer, RDW 4 Mar 1850, page 2.
15 Jan 1851
Married on Jan. 15 by Rev. John Spencer, Joseph Worley, to Miss Susan GILLIAM, all of Richmond.
Richmond Whig & public advertiser, p. 2, c. 6, Tuesday, February 4, 1851.
[In the 1850 Census, is listed as a pauper with a child, Charles GILLIAM, age 2. In 1860 a Susan Whurley is listed with son Charles, age 11. By 1880 Susan is again listed as a pauper and widowed. She is living with Bettie who appears to have had to children, Henry, 4 and Joseph, age 2. Joseph and Susan were married in Richmond by Rev. John Spencer. In the 1850 Census, the neighbors of paupers Joseph Worley and Susan GILLIAM was John Spencer, Baptist minister]
3 Jun 1852
Married in Manchester, Jun 3d [1852] by the Rev. Francis J. Boggs, Mr. William A. Gilman of Petersburg, and Miss Ardenia Ann Pilkinton, youngest dau. of Mr. David Pilkinton, Chesterfield.
RDW, June 12, 1852, page 2.
[Though there are numerous GILLIAMs of Petersburg, William appears to be a Gilman from census records]
20 Aug 1835
Yesterday morning, at half past 3 o’clock in the 49th year of his age, Richard C. Gilliam died. The friends of the family are requested to attend the funeral from his late residence near Monumental Church, this morning at 10 o’clock.
Richmond Whig (Richmond, VA) Volume: XII Issue: 70 Page: 3, Friday, August 21, 1835
[Richard C. Gilliam married Frances Patteson, the daughter of David Patteson]
2 Feb 1838
Died, on Feb. 2, Sarah GILLIAM, daughter of Alexander and Eliza GILLIAM, aged 7 months and 6 days.
Richmond Compiler, p. 2, c. 6, Saturday, February 3, 1838.
Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
Act of 1924
GILLIAM, Bettie B, Widow
GILLIAM, James T, Soldier
GILLIAM, Rebecca Jane, Widow
Gilman, Mildred F, Widow
Library of Virginia. Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
GILLIAMs of the Daily Dispatch, Richmond, Virginia, 1861-1865
Power of Attorney
Hustings court deeds 1782-1792
Richmond city
Know all men by these presents that I the Reverend Mr. William Boyd Minister of the Gospel in the Parish of Penninghame in the County of Wigtown, North Britain, whereas, Mr. Walter Boyd, late merchant in Virginia, my younger brother, and lawful children of the deceased Reverend Mr. Andrew Boyde some time minister of Twinsdale on the Stewartay of Kirkenbright in North Britain died some years ago in Virginia leaving considerable heritable and moveable subject to some of what I as heir at law have undoubted right and as John Boyd my eldest lawful son is about to set out for Virginia, I am desirous to invest him with full powers to act for me as my attorney in collecting and managing the estates real and personal left by the said Walter Boyd and Robert Boyd, or either of them so far as I have right thereto. Therefore witt ye me to have made and pointed said John Boyd to enter into and take possession of all heritable and real estate and subjects which belonged to my said deceased brothers Walter and Robert Boyd, or either of them in Virginia or else where in North America and not specially devised or conveyed away and particularly a piece of ground purchased by Robert Boyd after having executed a deed of settlement or Latter Will to commence and carry on all actions and suits either in my name of his own as my attorney that shall be necessary for obtaining right to and possession of the said estates and particularly my said son and attorney shall have power to call to account and receive from the acting trustees and executors of said Walter and Robert Boyd my just and legal share of any sums of money goods or effects of any kind to which I have right by their latter Wills and Testaments of by the Letter Will and Testament of John GILLIAM, father in law of said Mr. Robert Boyd, to make sign, seal and deliver, all discharges necessary and to perform every things which I myself might do if personally present
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the third day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four, and of his majesty’s reign the twenty-four year
Signed, sealed and delivered
In presence of Will McConnell, John Dabziel
Sig: Will. Boyd
City of Richmond
At a Hustings Court held the 18th day of April 1794
This power of attorney was presented n court & with the certificates the one endorsed was ordered to be recorded
Teste Adam Craig
[John Boyd sues the heirs of John GILLIAM, the Elder of Prince George, in Amelia]
Personal Property Taxes
Yearbooks (High School)
The Marshallite, 1929 John Marshall High School yearbook.
GILLIAM, Carolyn Christian
GILLIAM, Elizabeth Dorset (Betsy)
[Elizabeth is the daughter of Robert and Annie E. GILLIAM]
- Personal Property Tax Lists. Binns Genealogy, www.binnsgenealogy.com
- Library of Virginia. Confederate Pension Rolls, Veterans and Widows
- Register of the Confederate Dead, interred in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond VA. Richmond: Gary, Clemmitt & Jones, Printers, 1869.
- Richmond at War, Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1966
- Richmond Compiler, p. 2, c. 6, Saturday, February 3, 1838.
- Richmond Daily Dispatch
- Richmond Daily Dispatch, 1860 - 1865, Project funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The Richmond Daily Dispatch is the result of a National Leadership Grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and collaboration between the University of Richmond, Tufts University's Perseus Project, and the Virginia Center for Digital History.
- Richmond Enquirer
- Richmond Examiner
- Richmond Whig & Public Advertiser
- Thomson's Mercantile and Professional Directory, 1851
- Ward, Roger G. 1815 Directory of Virginia Landowners (and Gazetteer) Volume 1, Central Region. Athens, GA: Iberian Pub. Co., 1997.